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Introduction Trial Class

We offer a discounted ($15.00) 1-hour introduction trial class for potential students starting at age 10 through adult.  This is a great way to try out our studio and experience how our individualized teaching style and different medium programs work. You do not need to bring any art supplies as we have them at the studio and smocks are available for you to use during this class too. Introduction classes are offered based on open class space availability.

The introduction trial class offers two choices:

Introduction to Drawing

Pencil & colored chalk pastels

Introduction of the color wheel, how to create gradations, blending, shadows, highlights, definition of terms such as touch lines, horizon lines, and learn how to use the medium to make a three-dimensional ball through illustrated and explained techniques.

Introduction to Sketching

Graphite pencils

Learn about the differences in soft to hard leads and their applications in your drawings. You will be shown how to use all of the sketching art supplies and tools to achieve the desired results. Shadows, highlights, blending, lifting and other techniques will be taught through step-by-step examples and thorough explanation.

During your introduction class the instructor will interact with you and find out what you are passionate about, what you would like to learn, and determine which medium program to start off with. We have small group classes (10 max) that are individually taught, each student is working on his or her own project in their chosen medium and program at their own pace and level.


If you would like register and attend an introduction class, click the link below to enter our studio events calendar and select a day and time that works for your schedule. A new window will open for the registration of the introduction trial class. We look forward to seeing you soon and starting or continuing your art journey with us at Studio H.

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